Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Fresh & Juicy Tomato No. 3 - INSIGHT IS A JOKE

We loved doing it. We also loved the way it ended. I guess we loved doing it because we totally loved the way it ended. It ended with an ‘aha’, suddenly. We loved both the ‘aha’ and the suddenness of it. Joining dots. Remember?

Was it the sudden appearance of an unexpected figure or was it the fact that we surprised ourselves by ending up with something while trying to do something else? After all, the only skill we used was to get our number counting right. And lo and behold there was a ‘monkey’ staring at us!

Isn’t that what an insight is? A new meaning that surprises us by becoming apparent suddenly? Our joy comes from discovering something that seems obvious in hindsight but was invisible to us earlier. And once we see the new meaning we can’t unsee it? Try ignoring it, the ‘monkey’ won’t let you!

So the monkey was done and cast aside. We loved bringing it alive. What next? While we were wishing we had another join-the-dots puzzle, someone told us there actually is another puzzle within the puzzle! “Now join the prime numbers from 13 - 31.” we were told. And we did. And to our surprise bananas appeared out of nowhere! A whole bunch of them hanging right in front of the monkey!

That done, we were asked to look for red triangles and join them too. And you know what! Till then we had not even noticed the tiny triangles in the puzzle! Once discovered, they became the most prominent, screamy elements demanding action from us. Result: a baby monkey next to the mama monkey struggling with a baby banana.

Well, the excitement did not end there. We were informed that just like the tiny triangles there are some more elements that we have not noticed yet. “Give up!” We said. “Hold the paper against the Sun” – The whole monkey family was now visible – the big sister and dad were there all along!

With the paper up against the Sun, something else caught our attention. There was an unusual fold in the paper. The flap unfolded to reveal a hunter behind the bushes with his gun trained at something. No, it wasn’t the monkeys for sure. We knew there was much more to be discovered in that little piece of paper. Not just as much as the paper creator intended but really as much as we wanted.

Do you see insights in the situation above? Isn’t this what the whole world is trying to do through all sorts of ‘insighting’ tools? Trying hard to pull out that differentiated insight that could lead to a truly differentiated idea, which in turn could lead to a disproportionately big prize for them.

Insighting is about spotting new dots and making new connections and it’s a cinch if we are able to change our lenses, our perspectives and our boundaries of thinking, at will.

Simple? Now go solve the puzzle called life :)

PS. Oops! Forgot to weave in the title-thought into the article. Let me make the connection now: Try decoding a joke. There’s always an insight hidden in it… right in its tail. The hilarious twist at the end is an unexpected dot being connected unexpectedly. Go ahead crack up on all the stuff that you are seriously serious about in life. It’s the easiest and most fun way to spot those elusive insights!


  1. Great theme to the entire blog. Love the thought process.

    Ravi Kiran

  2. A rather fleshy tomato above...!
    While I agree completely that (good) jokes are based good insights, am somewhat unsure that there is something called a "differentiated insight".
    Either it is an insight, or it isn't...

  3. As usual Mr G raises a good point. `Differntiating` is an intrinsic component of insight and. there is really no need for insight to be qualified as differentiating or non differentiating. If its not differentiating, its not insight. My view.

    I have in fact argued a lot around what is an insight. I believe it is a `revelation` set within a `context` i.e. a problem or opportunity. Various observations from different quarters converge to result in an epiphany, the eureka that cracks open an understanding that helps solve what others have been struggling to achieve. The context is critical.

    Ive done a fair bit of time managing research and insight. Regret most of it is a rehash of observations with very little really insightful. And the reason for it is a rational analysis of facts, data with very little that goes into making connections. Im sure all of you know about neural networks, Ranjan's dots, its the way the brain works. All the great inventors solved the mysteries of life, observing something else and finding something they least expected.


  4. Awesome! Love this discussion. I take the point Sunil and SK... unless it is differentiated it's not insight. The aspect I want to bring in is the 'fundamental-ness' of it. How deep / fundamental is the new insight - revelation (it could be a sudden realization of a hitherto unknown pattern, cause-effect relationship etc)? A slight shift at that level can cause a disproportionate shift in the system - I am talking about leverage here.

    Let's keep this conversation going...

  5. Hi I had said earlier on insight has a context in which it is relevant cannot be generalized ...what is an insight but a truism? so I agree with Sarajit on the context bit....for every observation is also a counter observation like we just discussed for 'UNDO, will DO' ..the opposite also holds in greater, if not equal measure!
    and I believe there are fresh insights on the horizon...connections which are still to be discovered !!thank god!!and most of these will be unearthed through 'imagination/keen observation' and not based on'facts/knowledge/ analysis'.
    The connect between an insight and a joke ....a new thought , not obvious..hence an 'insight' ;excellent work!!
    Shld the Tomato no. 3 read as : A joke is an insight .???

  6. Read a book called THE DECISIVE MOMENT by Jonah Lehrer. Very insightful...!

  7. This reminds me of a book I read ...written by a psychologist, Clarissa Pinkola...'Women who run with the wolves '...each chapter dissects a 'fairytale e.g. 'Man with the Blue Beard' and draws insights into human behavior ...fascinating ....take it further,the plot of any good movie, novel is based on fascinating insights ...Sommerset Maugham .. keen insights on woman's psyche.... 'imagination' is the key to fresh insights .
